Payton designed her sign.
Payton turned 5 on April 13. I can't believe it. It's crazy to look back and see how wonderful life has been with her around. She is so beautiful and brings a smile to any and everyone around her. She has the BEST personality. She's my crazy payt! We Love ya Payt!
She had her 1st birthday party on April 11. She wanted a Harry Potter themed party. Needless to say I went a bit overboard. But it was fun, and turned out wonderfully! Here's a run down of the activities...
Let's start with the invites...You guessed it acceptance letters to Hogwarts. The "students" were to meet at platform 9 3/4. Once they were all there we realized we had forgotten all our essentials. Back to Diagon Alley we went.
Our stops at Diagon Alley
Off to Hogwarts we go... We split the 13 kids into 3 groups by means of the Sorting Hat. We left Slytherin out. (no one wants to be the bad guys) Makenna, my niece, was the voice. She used the baby monitor. The kids thought that was pretty cool. They couldn't understand why the hat was talking, and It didn't even have a mouth? ha ha.(Not the best pics but can't complain when someone else is willing to do it)
Once we had our 3 groups we went off to our classes.
We ended it all with a trip down to Hagrids Hut. He lost some Dragon Eggs. The kids went on a "hunt" to find the Dragon Eggs. Gifts and Cake followed the hunt. They had such a great time. Payton told me it was "Special and she loved it". Isn't she great!
The Cake. Brandy decorated our Hogwarts cake, and it looked amazing. She's great!
The Students...Russ made wands for each child. Isn't he amazing?!
Later that night, we had family over to celebrate.
April 13... Payton woke up so excited. She opened her gifts from Mom and Dad. Her favorite, of course, was her 2 Wheel Scooter. She wanted that cuz the neighbor boy got one for his birthday too. Of course she ate it a few times, but nothing band aids and neo wont fix.