Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Christmas Greetings!

Ok, so a bit early. My mom came over for me to "help" her with a Christmas card for my dad's brothers. Obviously this is them. I had to post it cuz it reminds me of that movie The Christmas Story. It makes me laugh looking at it. I love it. It was such a great idea for my mom to do that, I'm sure they'll love it too. My dad is the youngest of the group. Don't you just want to kiss those cheeks. He looks like my little Koen. Or more appropriately the other way around.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Sick and Lazy

Russ has been so sick the last 4 days. He's got the flu. When he's home being sick and doing nothing, guess what I do? Right, NOTHING! Surprisingly the kitchen has stayed fairly clean thanks to my Roomba. But the family room has been left in shambles. I'm kickin butt on mario kart though. :) (I've had to start over since our last wii broke and we got a new one. thanks to the warranty we got on it.) Also none of my "honey do" list gets done. I really need shelves in my family room, so the kids stop breaking things. I don't know how many times Koen has broken the heads off of my willow tree statues, and I've had to glue them back on. Anyway, enough of that. I recently came across a photo of Russ that I took this past summer. I just love him. I thought I'd share this picture of my sexy husband with you guys!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

You have no power over me...

Remember that show Labyrinth, with David Bowie? Payton saw it at walmart on one of their tv's, and was just mezmorized. I couldn't find it to buy it so we borrowed Crystals, since she has pretty much any movie we would want to see. I had to watch that movie everyday! She would even have her friends come over, just to see her favorite part. That part would be the dance magic dance part, she can sing almost every word of it now. Here's a sample of her dancing along with the Goblin King!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

"So Who are you?"

Sometimes I can't believe how out of touch some people are. Then again, maybe its me!

Payton wanted to be Wanda from The Fairly Odd Parents for Halloween. I thought it was a great idea and decided to have Koen be Cosmo. So first of all no costumes out there for them, so I had to come up with my own. Not to hard considering they just wear regular clothes. Then I had to find the "Wands, and Wings, and little Crowny things." We went to Casey's work in the afternoon for some trick or treating. Koen had his green wings on, and that's when I realized that probably wasn't the best idea for my little boy to be a FAIRY for Halloween. It would've been fine if people knew who they were!!! Whatever, I thought they were cute anyway!

So as you can see by the end of the night they wouldn't wear their wings, Koen refused to wear his tie, and my fault for slacking and not buying wands.

Koen wanted nothing to do with pictures

Payton, Koen, Jaron and Colby. They live across the street. Payton and Jaron are always playing together. He's her little protector, he wont leave class at church until i get there to pick up payton. It's cute!